Saturday, February 6, 2016

John Chi, TB Joshua's Wise Man Resurfaces

June, 2010 would not be forgotten so soon by the millions of followers of TB Joshua’s worldwide ministry, the SCOAN. It was in that month, the prophet of God introduced five of his disciples called Wise Men to the world. Unlike the three wise men highlighted in the New Testament that brought precious gifts to baby Jesus, TB Joshua’s Wise Men were endowed with awesome fire that set the Synagogue Church of All Nations on spiritual fire. Out of the five Wise Men, one stood-out named John Chi; a charismatic and energetic fellow. The shock that befell the millions of SCOAN worshippers across the world, when around May, 2013, one of the Wise Men Racine, announced the falling out of grace of John Chi to a surprised world audience. Many cried in disbelief and prayed for God to restore his grace upon the falling wise men and tamper justice with mercy. TB Joshua in subsequent announcement told the worshippers to continue to pray for Wise Man, John Chi, because he missed him as much as everyone else. He explained that it was beyond him to restore his fallen Wise Man, it was only God who own the anointing that can do it.

They were now only four Wise Men handling the over twenty-thousand worshipers at the SCOAN. What many did not know was that our ever merciful God truly heard the intercession of millions of worshippers across the world for Wise Man John Chi. According to him, while he was praying and asking for the mercy of God over his weakness, Jesus Christ appeared to him kneeling before a cross in a dream. He told him to look up to the cross and what he saw was Rev.11:19 written at the top. He woke up from the dream and told his Father in the Lord, TB Joshua. Who told him to go the mountain and have a retreat with God.


While the world forgot about Wise Man John Chi, Almighty God was busy preparing him for greater glory. Several times I have Google search to find out what was happening to John Chi and the result wasn’t useful. You can imagine the shock and surprise that greeted me and my family, when upon tuning our satellite decoder, a Channel called Ark of God TV appeared among many other new channels. Who did we see as the man of God in Ark of God TV? Wise Man John Chi now known as Apostle John Chi. His ministry, Ark of God Covenant Ministry (AGCOM) is situated in the South West region of Cameroon, his home country. In a little under two years, the ministry has grown geometrically and Apostle John Chi has held crusades in Ivory Coast, Malawi, Pakistan and in May will be traversing  the USA preaching the word of God.

In our Christian walk, we should not think too much of ourselves either because of the grace of God upon our lives or our educational attainment. Don’t be quick to judge or criticize others when they fall or about falling. Pray for them and ask God to rise them up again to his glory. God always take the least qualified and quality him for his purpose. Humble yourself and do not rebel when they announce your fall publicly. Apostle John Chi left the SCOAN with the blessings and sent-forth of TB Joshua, the prophet at the SCOAN. He did not rebel because of the anointing that has been bestowed on him, but followed the path of restoration and the result is there for all to see. You can find Apostle John Chi at Ark of God Covenant Ministries (Ark of God TV on Intel Sat 7, 10/ ku on frequency 12.563 V on the vertical polarity). His on and and his website is

Phillips Eteng, Evangelist.

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