Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I remember some years ago, when I was asked to vacate a four bedroom flat that has been our home for six years, with my family of five. I was devastated, considering that there was no money for us to rent another apartment or pay the hundred percent rent increase. My business was experiencing a downturn and I was barely keeping the family on a square meal. The estate agents didn’t help matters much as they kept bombarding us with threatening letters of eviction. My life was in shambles as the daily thought of where to go with my family occupied the better part of me. I felt helpless, simply because I couldn’t control the situation! It was at this point I decided to call the estate agent’s bluff, considering the length of time of my previous tenancy. This bold step was to buy me eight months to pull myself together. In the end we were able to relocate to another town to start a new life.
What happens when life’s tenancy expires? The landlord, who is Almighty God - gives you quit notice. Can you call his bluff and continue to live or appeal against his decision? The answer depends very much on the type of relationship you have with God. For one, you cannot call his bluff! He is the alpha and the omega - his decision is final. On the other hand, you can appeal to him to extend your years on earth, this will depend on the kind of life you’re living - is it free from sin? Do you honestly "love" thy neighbour as thyself? Or does your life mean more to you than others? Our Lord Jesus Christ said; those who loved their lives will lose it, but those who hate it - will have it! You cannot wallow in sin and expect God to extend you life’s tenancy. Sin is evil and the devil uses it to mock God’s creation. Your divine heritage on earth is not to die young, but live to see your children’s children (Psalm 128). God does not promise what he cannot fulfill (Isaiah 55:8)
Jesus came in the flesh to show us that we can live above sin in order to inherit extended tenancy on earth. Whatever your situation is now, you can change it by getting connected to the innocent blood that was shed on the Cross of Calvary for you and me. If you are convinced in your heart that your life has been just, like Hezekiah, the King of Israel - who cried to God for an extension of life and got fifteen years more - then you too have a right to an extension (Isaiah 38:1-5).

If on the other hand your life has been full of sin, then confess now and ask God for forgiveness. Pray this prayer to him.
Heavenly Father, I beg for forgiveness because of my life which has been buried deep in sin. I was blinded by darkness, but now I want the light which you sent to the world to enter into me and make a difference.
I surrender my life to you, please let your Holy Spirit come into me and show me the way to everlasting life.I believe when I am connected to you, your presence will make all the difference in my life. I believe the Lord Jesus died for me so that I can experience the power of resurrection from sin.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for my new life! In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Phillips Eteng. Evangelist

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