Sunday, June 27, 2010


Do you know that you have the power to change your life circumstances? Power to make even the ground you walk on to obey you and the creation of Almighty God to favour you! This power was stolen from you right from the garden of Eden through your father Adam. You know who stole it, Satan himself!

He stole your birthright, because of disobedience to the living Word of God. For generations, he basked in the glory of what was not his own. Look at yourself today and tell the truth, have you fared any better in all areas of your endeavours? You labour and yet you have no satisfaction, because someone else is taking all the glory. Men deny you the wages and successes of your labour for no just cause. It is time to awoken to the reality of the immeasurable gift of God in your life …the power and authority to be the champion of the Most High on earth. II Timothy 1:7

When our Lord Jesus Christ came to rescue us from our powerlessness, he was in turned challenged for this awesome power. The children of this present darkness fought him on every side and finally crucified him. He was without sin and blemish. So death and the grave could not hold him. Instead, he entered boldly into the devil’s hide out and destroyed the works of Satan and his agents. Emerging with the spoils of victory, he restored the gifts God gave to his children.

Who are these children of the Most High, you may ponder? Jesus Christ said, these are the ones whom he had rescued from the claws of Satan and brought into the marvelous light of heaven. The children of darkness are still present among us, stealing our happiness, peace, joy and leading us astray to the pleasures of their wicked world. The Bible says light and darkness cannot mix; one must give way to the other.

You can transform your life today, this very moment. The power of God is instant; you only need to ask for it when Jesus Christ becomes the centre of your focus. The blood, which is the price Jesus Christ, paid for coming to rescue you and I from the eternal flame of hell is still alive today as it was when he was crucified on the cross of Calvary. As you repent out of the kingdom of darkness and seek him, his blood will plead you case before his Father in Heaven and all your sins no matter how big or terrible they are would be forgiven immediately. The power and authority of being the son of the Most High will be restored unto you.

This power is real and unless you begin to exercise it everyday of your life, your situation cannot change. It is the same power that the devil has been using to intermediate you negatively in every sphere of your life. He knows that you own it as a birth right and since you’re too timid to use it against him; what has he got to loose. Many Christian brethren are today in a sorry state, because they don’t know how to use this power and authority against the adversary. The life of a Christian is a continuous battle field to stay in the race for heaven. In these last days, the world is witnessing an upsurge of consumerism in any and everything you need to distract yourself from Godly activities; cable and satellite television programmes, fashion trends, globe trotting, earthly music and so many others too numerous to mention. The spirit of God inside of you knows that these things are wrong, but your body is too weak to exercise control over the pleasure of it all. Gal 6:8

Arise out of your slumber, brethren, and exercise due power and authority over that circumstances. Speak life into that situation that refuses to go away and believe in your heart that it is there no more! Jesus Christ released this power and authority to you more than two thousand years ago, to tramp upon serpents and scorpions. 1 Corinth 15:13

Brethren, if you have been born again and had lacked the will to exercise the right of your inheritance. Pray as follows: Heavenly Father, forgive me for my laziness in the spiritual things of your Kingdom. I have truly not exercise the power and authority I inherited from my Lord Jesus Christ over my life situations. I have always allowed other people to exercise it for me and the result is always short lived!

Father, I’m not afraid now because I have realized it is my birthright to use it to live a fulfilled life. Spirit of the Living God, I’m asking this day for the manifestation of the power of my inheritance. Let me be filled with it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. In Jesus name I ask. Amen. Receive it, in Jesus name. Amen.

If you have never had an encounter with Jesus, the Son of the Living God, and you’re reading this message. Pray as follows:
Heavenly Father, I am a sinner. Forgive me for my sins by cleansing me with the blood of your Son Jesus Christ. I surrender my life and all my earthly possession to you. I want to experience the power and authority of being your child today. Remove my name from the book of death and write in the book of life.
Lord Jesus, please be my guiding light for the rest of my life on earth. Thank you for answering my prayers. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Welcome to the wonderful Kingdom of God Almighty. Begin to experience the peace and joy in the Kingdom. Amen. Write to me to receive further material to help you grow in your new Faith. God richly bless you as you respond. Amen.

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