Thursday, July 9, 2015

Is This The End Of the Road For TB Joshua?

Prophet TB Joshua Preaching at Aztec Stadium in Mexico City
The road was treacherous and bumpy, but the end had to be closer than never. Every journey has a termination point, so for all who waited anxiously to hear the final judgment of the SCOAN buildingcollapse Inquest, Wednesday the 8th of July, 2015 climaxed the months of speculation and anticipation! Finally, the Lagos State government initiated inquest, headed by  Chief Magistrate, Oyetade Komolafe, brought down his gavel by indicting the Structural Engineers that handled the Synagogue building and also the management of SCOAN for building with the required building permit. The six storey building in the Church premises suddenly collapse killing about 115 foreign and local visitors on spiritual pilgrimage on September 11, 2014. Same day the USA was marking the anniversary of the dead from the September 11 World Trade Center bombing in New York City.
Many local submissions were made by witnesses drawn from all works of life and testimonies were also recorded. The judgment against SCOAN is not a surprise, because in one of his sermons, Prophet TB Joshua stated that a lie can never cover the truth. The way and manner the building collapse viewed from the Church CCTV footage showed a controlled demolition. With contradicting evidence and submission from Lagos State government witnesses, the only factual available evidence was the CCTV video footage. The symmetrical collapse of the building, experts stated, having seen the video footage could only have been linked to sabotage resulting in the collapse. That a structurally defective building usually collapses asymmetrical, sideways; the foundational pillars on physical inspection were still intact from the base up.   
The inquest presiding Magistrate, Mr Komolafe, has through this judgment opened a Pandora box for the conventional court to delve into and prosecute the SCOAN headed by Prophet TB Joshua and the engineering company that handled the construction. He has requested that the Synagogue should be investigated for building without the necessary building plan approval; mildly put let us use this commonly oversight of owners of buildings all over Nigeria to bring this world renown Church into disrepute.
In my previous write-ups, I asked a question? Who want TB Joshua disgraced? Brethren, the Church is in trouble by this singular inquest ruling; not because it involves the SCOAN, but the warning of the times we as Christians are living in! The devil and his cohorts are on a rampage and no true believer will be spared, because Satan doesn’t want to go down alone, but with a host of Christians. No Minister of the gospel has so disrupted the Kingdom of Satan in this generation as Prophet TB Joshua. Pray for him and his ministry and do not harden your heart as in the days of the Exodus in the wilderness, when many died after crossing the red sea because of dispute with Prophet Moses – the chosen of the LORD! Were they not all the children of Abraham of the promise? Remember, God is not a respecter of persons or position, but those who yield to his word in action and deeds.
Phillips Eteng - Evangelist

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