Sunday, February 1, 2015


Boko Haram Fighters on A War Path in North Eastern Nigeria

The Bible admonishes us to be steadfast in the things that we have prayed and have seen the manifestation. It means God is in that method or style of prayers that brought the resultant impact (1Th.5:21). Elijah was a prophet with a sound understanding and knowledge of God. He knew what connected him to the Host of Heaven and used it successfully to glorify the Almighty in the face of diminishing interest in the world of the God head. The prophets of Baal, a demonic principality, held sway in all the earthly activities affecting Israel through their human agents. The altar of Baal flourished in the sacrifices of blood; both human and animals. Jezebel, the queen of Baal, led King Ahab away from the mind of God and the things that mattered to Him. As the head was, also were the entire subjects of the country and it was not until Elijah raised the sword of God against the altar of Baal did sanity return to the country.

Elijah did not war against the human agents of Baal, rather the much revered altar with those servicing it. Propagators of the Boko Haram myth serve an altar, that altar is being rekindled by the blood of the hundreds of thousands of souls these Islamic militants have killed in Nigeria.
The Military might of Nigeria are not fighting a conventional warfare, but a spiritual war that has the ability to spring surprises, and that is what has been happening over the past four years of Boko harams' emergence. Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal on that revered altar to prove where the real power and authority lies; is it with God Almighty or with Baal. After much ceremony, the prophets of Baal could not have their sacrifices consumed by their god. In contrast, Elijah called on his God who made the heavens and the earth to prove himself by consuming his sacrifice and behold, fire came down from heaven licked the water under the altar and then consumed the entire sacrifice. These singular actions embolden Elijah and he took a sword and killed all the men who were the serving prophets of Baal. (1 king 18:1-46)

In a recently ATV live broadcast, a free to air Christian television channel located in South Africa and operated by Pastor Idah Peterside, a Nigeria based in that country. A Kenya woman possessed by an evil spirit known as warrior manifested in the course of a Sunday service. The evil spirit told Pastor Peterside upon questioning, that Nigeria’s Boko Haram; Iraqi’s Islamic State (ISIS); Somalia’s Al-Shaba and Al-Qeada are being serviced by the same altar. It is only when that evil altar is destroyed that this Islamic militants will begin to fizzle out. Tackle the sources of their power and subdue it with the Blood of Jesus Christ. The call now is on fire breathing Christians in Nigeria and beyond to mount prayer pressure on that altar sustaining the destructive insurgence of Boko Haram and other Islamic militants. Let our prayers tell Almighty God to prove himself as in the days of Elijah and send fire to that altar wherever is located in the world or in the spiritual realm. And the blood of Jesus Christ need to overflow that evil altar and replace the cry of those innocent bloods seeking vengeance on the land. (Isaiah 56:7).

When we know the sources of empowerment of our enemies, the next agenda is to mount a frontal attack and destroy that source completely. That altar is enchanting millions of innocent Muslim youths and forcing them to fraternize with forces that go against the tenets of God. This is showing up in form of teenage suicide bombers that have suddenly sprung up in Northern Nigeria. Christians have to arise with the weapons of prayers and vigils for the sake of the righteous in the land. May God continue to shield Nigeria from evil men and women in sheep clothing, in Jesus name. Amen!

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