Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Resourcesful Spirit

Exclamation of the mistake of life! 

An unfocused individual is unstable in all his ways. You end up being a jack of all trades, but a master of none. A hundred meter runner cherishes every second as his body tears through the wind resistance. To look at any distraction would mean valuable time lost, which the competition would gladly take advantage of to get to the finish line. Why do we need to remain focused in our goals and objectives? Undeniably it is the coveted prize at the end of all the suffering, self denial, affliction, name calling and evil attack.
The winning spirit is not distracted by the discouragement of others, he is on a pilgrimage to success; there might be rising and falling, it forms part of the experiences to look back on and thank God for a rough but victorious journey.

The Christian race is one of the most distractive and suggestive journey any human can embark upon. For you to record success at the end of the journey, you must allow Jesus Christ to be your driving force. Otherwise as it is written in the book of James 1: 5-8 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”   Before you became a Christian, your spirit was operating under the elemental spirits of the world and was subjected to its whims and caprices. You really did not have control of what you did…even though you may believe otherwise. Satan and his demons manipulated your every move to keep you focused on the things that were attractive to you such as lust of the flesh, partying spirit, drinking, stealing, lying, gossiping, cheating, enjoying worldly music, sexual immorality, killing; the list goes on and on. He purposefully kept you distracted so as not to even remember that there was a better and richer side to life on the other side of the fence. Through a combined strategy of keeping you busy and unfocused, you keep trying your hands on everything and anything that might break for you to be successful. The circle continues for many years until you are either fed up and want to try something new or you stumble on a Christian tract or message that brings refreshment to your soul!
This same scene plays itself out for a person who has been a Christian most of his life either through birth or conversion. All their lives they have tried to keep the ten commandments and are active in Church. Along the way either fame or break through come into their lives and the set of friends they use to have changes; the influence of their new circle of friends begins to take its toll. Many today have gone from the faith because they lost focus, when fame and fortune showed up on their door step. The winning spirit is not easily swayed by the attractions of the world, but rather uses it to enhance the presences of the Kingdom of God on earth. Over the past thirty years and continuing, the Churches of Europe and the United States have lost younger members of their congregation to many occult temples and Far East religion. There are more pagans now in the Western World than ever before, because they have not seen the supernatural demonstration of the power in the word of God. They found Christianity a boring religion where they only hear of the miracles and the signs and wonders performed in the Bible, but cannot see it before their eyes!

This is an extract from the unpublished book; THE WINNING SPIRIT by Phillips Eteng

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