Brethren, I come to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the grace of the Ancient of Days. After several days in His presence (both my family and I) fasting and praying; here is the Message of the Host of Heaven, the Alpha and the Omega, the Lion of The Tribe of Judah, to Christians and their Leaders!
Tell Church leaders to prepare the Saints for rapture before the end of 2017. For my Son is around the corner. Heaven’s calendar ends in 2017, and there is no going back because the son of Satan has come to the world and is with us heading one of the nations of the world. Spread the warning to all Christians to repent and prepare themselves for Christ’s coming, because many have falling away from the faith and will be left behind to face the anti-Christ. It is no longer speculation or projections, but a reality that the end has truly come.